Speaker on Israel-Palestine


Calvin Seminary welcomes Mark Braverman, Program Director of Kairos USA, and author of A Wall in Jerusalem: Hope, Healing, and the Struggle for Justice in Israel and Palestine, to speak at a breakfast event, October 31, 2023, at 7:30 am in the Calvin Seminary Auditorium. We’ll hear him speak on the struggle for justice and peace in…

Event Series Chapel

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester – Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from Luke/Acts. We’ll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided. The goal of this spiritual practice is to: Build community among students, faculty, and staff Create…

Event Series Chapel



Passage: Luke 18:1-8 Title: "Waiting for God”  Speaker: Prof. Karin Maag Dr. Maag will be leading us in Reformation Day worship tomorrow in the chapel or livestream here. She'll be speaking on "Waiting for God" from Luke 18:1-8, and we'll be blessed by a small CTS orchestra leading us in singing Psalms. Special Orchestra Players: Trumpet…

Healthy Dialogue Series

Student Center

Calvin Seminary is hosting "Interested Clergy Conversation" for two upcoming speakers that Calvin University is bringing to the Student Center as part of its Healthy Dialogue Series.  These events are open to all CTS faculty, staff and students along with local clergy and CTS alumni.  Amy Peeler, author of Women and the Gender of God…

EMU Community Break


All faculty and staff are welcome to attend the EMU (Executive Management Update) from 10:15 to 10:45 am in the Auditorium to hear an update from the Student Life Office and Vocational Formation Office. Refreshments will be provided.

Event Series Formational Bible Reading Group

Formational Bible Reading Group

Classroom 142

We often read the Bible for information, especially for class, sermons, teaching. How do we read the Bible for formation, so that it shapes us? Join us on Thursdays from noon to 1:00pm in Classroom 142 as we learn and practice disciplines for reading the Word of God as formation. We are working on a manuscript…

Event Series Chapel

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

PRS (Public Reading of Scripture) is held on Tuesdays at noon in the Student Center, where hearing scripture in the community forms us in Christ for ministry. Our readings for today are Psalms 61, 62, and Luke 19-21.  Join us for PRS and a tasty meal to follow!

Event Series Chapel



Passage: John 14: 1-7 Title: Do not Be Troubled Speaker: Kang Heo, MDiv student How can we not be troubled? Jesus' profound words leave us wondering. We'll explore how Jesus' words of comfort to his disciples apply to us.   Livestream Link: Click here to access the livestream We'll be celebrating the Lord's Supper. Donut fellowship…

Event Series Formational Bible Reading Group

Formational Bible Reading Group

Classroom 142

We often read the Bible for information, especially for class, sermons, teaching. How do we read the Bible for formation, so that it shapes us? Join us on Thursdays from noon to 1:00pm in Classroom 142 as we learn and practice disciplines for reading the Word of God as formation. We are working on a manuscript…

ISAT Lunch

Upper Room

All new international students are invited. There will be round table discussion led by ISAT.

Monthly Mini Colloquium

You are cordially invited to our Monthly Mini Colloquium, on Monday, November 13, 2023, 12:30 - 1:15 PM, in the Student Center. Please note that because of Thanksgiving break, we meet one week early this time. Sam Ha, our theological librarian and curator of the Meeter Center, will discuss his forthcoming journal article, "Toward a…

Event Series Chapel

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our readings for next week are: Psalms 63, 64, and Luke 22-24. All students, faculty, and staff are invited. Join us for PRS and a tasty meal to follow!   Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester – Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s…

Event Series Chapel



On Wednesday, November 15, at 10:00am in the chapel (or livestream here) we'll be having a service of remembrance, hope, and peace in recognition of Remembrance Day/Veterans Day (Nov. 11). If you would like a Remembrance Day poppy pin, they are available at the door and in the Student Life Office. Donut fellowship in the Student Center…

Event Series Formational Bible Reading Group

Formational Bible Reading Group

Classroom 142

We often read the Bible for information, especially for class, sermons, teaching. How do we read the Bible for formation, so that it shapes us? Join us on Thursdays from noon to 1:00pm in Classroom 142 as we learn and practice disciplines for reading the Word of God as formation. We are working on a manuscript…

Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration

Student Center

On Friday, November 24, at 4:00 pm in the Student Center, the Residential Student Advisory Team (RSAT), with the help of Eric Lynch, is hosting a dinner for students and families looking for a traditional US Thanksgiving Dinner. (Staff and Faculty are welcome, too!) The turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing will be provided, and those…

Event Series Chapel

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester – Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from Luke/Acts. Our readings for this week are: Psalms 65, 66, and Acts 1-3.  Join us for PRS and a tasty meal to follow! The goal of this spiritual…

Event Series Chapel



Passage: Which King? Title: Philippians 2:5-11 Speaker: Sam Ha, PhD student and Theological Librarian   We all believe that Christ is our King. But what kind of king is he? We will look together at how the Scriptures describe Christ as the King who reigns over all. Watch Livestream here. Donut fellowship in the Student Center to…

Event Series Formational Bible Reading Group

Formational Bible Reading Group

Classroom 142

We often read the Bible for information, especially for class, sermons, teaching. How do we read the Bible for formation, so that it shapes us? Join us on Thursdays from noon to 1:00pm in Classroom 142 as we learn and practice disciplines for reading the Word of God as formation. We are working on a manuscript…

Event Series Chapel

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester – Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from Luke/Acts. Our readings for next week are: Psalms 67, 68 and Acts 4:1-6:7. We’ll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.   The goal of this…

Event Series Chapel



On Wednesday, December 6, at 10:00 am in the chapel (or livestream here) we will be led by our Seminary mini-orchestra as we celebrate Advent and Christmas. Dean Sajdak and President Medenblik will bring meditations about "A Journey of Lament" from Matthew 2 and "What Happened at the First Christmas? Journeys of Joy and Lament…

Redemptive Diversity Lunch Cafe

Upper Room

Students, staff and faculty are invited to the Redemptive Diversity Lunch Cafe - Setting Healthy Boundaries on Wednesday, Dec. 6 from 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm in the Upper Room. Panelists are: Pastors Dave Beelen, Joy Bonnema, and Kelsi Jones (recent CTS graduate). Please sign up by Friday, Dec. 1. The link for registration is…

EMU Community Break


All faculty and staff are welcome to attend the EMU (Executive Management Update) from 10:15 to 10:45 am in the Auditorium to hear an update from the Center for Excellence in Preaching (CEP) and Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW). Refreshments will be provided.

Event Series Formational Bible Reading Group

Formational Bible Reading Group

Classroom 142

We often read the Bible for information, especially for class, sermons, teaching. How do we read the Bible for formation, so that it shapes us? Join us on Thursdays from noon to 1:00pm in Classroom 142 as we learn and practice disciplines for reading the Word of God as formation. We are working on a manuscript…

Christmas Around the World

Christmas Around the World  Our annual Christmas Around the World dinner and program for our seminary community - students, staff, faculty, and families -  will be held on Thursday evening, December 7th, at 5:30 pm in the Student Center. Children are welcome! We invite you to bring a dessert to share from your culture or tradition.…

2024 J-Term Elective Course: Ministry to and with Prisoners

2024 J-Term Elective Course Ministry to and with Prisoners January 3-14 This course will explore many facets of ministering in prison.  Jesus expects his followers to engage with those in prison and in so doing meet him (Mt. 25:36).  Almost everyone in ministry eventually encounters the need for ministry to those in jail or prison.…

January Term 2024

3 weeks of classes - exact schedule varies by course

DMin Residential Week

Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Stob Lecture Colloquium 2024 Speaker – Dr. Lydia Dugdale


Stob Lecture Colloquium 2024 Speaker - Dr. Lydia Dugdale Dr. Lydia Dugdale is known around the world for her work as a medical ethicist. She also practices internal medicine and teaches at Columbia University where she serves as director of the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics. Dr. Dugdale is a Christian and a scholar in end-of-life…

Presentation on John Calvin and the Bible

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

The Meeter Center welcomes students, faculty, staff and emeriti to our upcoming presentation on John Calvin and the Bible, on Thursday, January 25, starting at 3:30 PM in the Meeter Center, Hekman Library fourth floor. Our speaker is Thomas Alexander (Virginia Theological Seminary). He will be presenting based on the research he carried out as a Meeter…

Healthy Dialogue Series 

Student Center

Mark Yarhouse at CTS - Feb. 8 Mark Yarhouse, author of Emerging Gender Identities will be at Calvin Seminary for a Seminary/Clergy Conversation on Thursday, February 8, at noon in the Student Center. RSVP here so we can provide lunch and so you will receive a short article and podcast link to help frame the conversation. Yarhouse…

Friends Around the World Kick-Off

Student Center

Friends Around the World is an RSAT-run program that provides an opportunity for CTS students from different parts of the world to build friendships and learn about cultures that are different from their own. What these meetings look like and how often you meet is up to each individual pairing. Maybe it's coffee at Peet's…

Monthly Mini Colloquium

Student Center

The Monthly Mini Colloquium is back. You are cordially invited to a gathering of students, staff, and faculty where we learn from each other. This month Prof. Daniel Daley will talk about his most recent research topic: "Heirs with Christ: Inheritance in Paul's Letters and the Ancient World." The mini colloquium will be held on…

Vocal Recital – “Home”


Joshua Shoemaker will be giving a vocal recital. This recital will focus on the theme "home." Admission is free but a freewill offering will be given to benefit the Idema Food Pantry. Please come to support vocalist Joshua Shoemaker, pianist Larysa Mykhneych, and more friends in their musical journey for home.

Event Series Chapel

Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship


Passage: Isaiah 40:1-11 Title: Comfort, Comfort. Speaker: MDiv student Kelsey Bruinwood   Tuesday: MDiv student Kelsey Bruinwood will be speaking on Isaiah 40:1-11, "Comfort, Comfort." We will celebrate the Lord's Supper together, followed by lunch in the Student Center, sponsored by the Student Life Office.

Event Series Chapel

Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship


Passage: Psalm 90 Speaker: MDiv student Grant Mensonides Friday: MDiv student Grant Mensonides will be speaking on Psalm 90. A lunch will follow chapel worship for you to enjoy in the Student Center or to take with you if you need to catch a flight or head home after.