Theology for All Spheres

Date Published

August 22, 2022

Home / Blog / Theology for All Spheres

Published by Cory Willson

Jake and Betsy Tuls Professor of Missiology, World Christianity, and Public Theology

How does theology fit into your work and calling? Institute director and Calvin Theological Seminary professor Cory B. Willson reflects on how theological education can prepare students in every sphere to respond to their callings within the priesthood of all believers.

Theology helps us understand God better. And, as we understand more deeply God and his plans for the world, we see the image of God displayed in who we are and what we do.

As a theological seminary, Calvin exists to resource Christians in local communities, including ordained pastors, missionaries, and other church leaders. We are also here for those who find their work outside the church—in any domain.

Whatever sphere you come from, whatever sphere of work you hope to enter, you will be welcome here.

Because, a day care provider’s understanding of their mission is just as crucial as the children’s ministry director. The public school principal is called as much as the Christian school principal. The pastoral care team reaches out with human connection in one way, and the social media architects in another.

Ethical, justice-oriented, and missional work isn’t limited to the church as a corporate body. But we all come together in gathered worship to celebrate and further prepare for our shared mission as the gathered community. The individual roles may look different, but the call to worship God and bring flourishing in God’s world is the same.

If you’re interested in seminary, you’re invited to listen to that calling and take the leap. If seminary isn’t on your radar but you’re curious about how theology can help foster an ethical imagination for your work, you’re also invited to engage in the work of this institute.

The Institute for Mission, Church, and Culture is actively seeking out answers about the mission of Christ followers in congregations and culture. And together, as the Church, we’re finding our way.


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