Resound # 15
Calvin Seminary on
Resound #1 — N.T. Wright on Real Gospel Hope
Published by Calvin Seminary
Resound #1 -- N.T. Wright on Real Gospel Hope
In his recent book The Day the Revolution Began, N.T. Wright looks at the cosmic impact of what happeed on the cross, probing Scripture and first-century history to give us a deeper understanding of the gospel message about atonement and eternal life. In this conversation at Calvin Seminary in January 2017, Wright expands on these themes and discusses why he says Western Christians have too narrow a view of gospel hope, and a neo-Platonic view of death and the afterlife, especially in how we talk at funerals. He also explores how Christians can more fully understand baptism as a sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Wright talks with John Witvliet, professor of worship at Calvin Seminary and director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship.
N.T. Wright is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England. He is currently Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews.
John D. Witvliet is director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and professor of worship, theology, & congregational and ministry studies at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary
Show Notes
- Listen to the Q&A session that followed this presentation
- Watch a video of this conversation
- Listen to Wright’s Stob Lecture at the January Series, “A Royal Revolution” and other January Series presentations
- Learn more about The Day the Revolution Began and other books by N.T. Wright from Google Books
- Read N.T. Wright’s faculty profile from the University of St. Andrews
- Follow N.T. Wright on Twitter
- Visit, an unofficial collection of Wright’s writings, interviews, and presentations
- Learn more about John Witvliet and the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship