Calendar of Events
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First day of classes
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Healthy Dialogue Series
Healthy Dialogue Series
Mark Yarhouse at CTS - Feb. 8 Mark Yarhouse, author of Emerging Gender Identities will be at Calvin Seminary for a Seminary/Clergy Conversation on Thursday, February 8, at noon in the Student Center. RSVP here so we can provide lunch and so you will receive a short article and podcast link to help frame the conversation. Yarhouse…
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Friends Around the World Kick-Off
Friends Around the World Kick-Off
Friends Around the World is an RSAT-run program that provides an opportunity for CTS students from different parts of the world to build friendships and learn about cultures that are different from their own. What these meetings look like and how often you meet is up to each individual pairing. Maybe it's coffee at Peet's…
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Monthly Mini Colloquium
Monthly Mini Colloquium
The Monthly Mini Colloquium is back. You are cordially invited to a gathering of students, staff, and faculty where we learn from each other. This month Prof. Daniel Daley will talk about his most recent research topic: "Heirs with Christ: Inheritance in Paul's Letters and the Ancient World." The mini colloquium will be held on…
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Vocal Recital – “Home”
Vocal Recital – “Home”
Joshua Shoemaker will be giving a vocal recital. This recital will focus on the theme "home." Admission is free but a freewill offering will be given to benefit the Idema Food Pantry. Please come to support vocalist Joshua Shoemaker, pianist Larysa Mykhneych, and more friends in their musical journey for home.
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Distance Learning Intensives and Residential Reading Week
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Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship
Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship
Passage: Isaiah 40:1-11 Title: Comfort, Comfort. Speaker: MDiv student Kelsey Bruinwood Tuesday: MDiv student Kelsey Bruinwood will be speaking on Isaiah 40:1-11, "Comfort, Comfort." We will celebrate the Lord's Supper together, followed by lunch in the Student Center, sponsored by the Student Life Office.
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Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship
Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship
Passage: Psalm 90 Speaker: MDiv student Grant Mensonides Friday: MDiv student Grant Mensonides will be speaking on Psalm 90. A lunch will follow chapel worship for you to enjoy in the Student Center or to take with you if you need to catch a flight or head home after.
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
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- There are no events on this day.
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