Vocal Recital – “Home”


Joshua Shoemaker will be giving a vocal recital. This recital will focus on the theme "home." Admission is free but a freewill offering will be given to benefit the Idema Food Pantry. Please come to support vocalist Joshua Shoemaker, pianist Larysa Mykhneych, and more friends in their musical journey for home.

Event Series Chapel

Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship


Passage: Isaiah 40:1-11 Title: Comfort, Comfort. Speaker: MDiv student Kelsey Bruinwood   Tuesday: MDiv student Kelsey Bruinwood will be speaking on Isaiah 40:1-11, "Comfort, Comfort." We will celebrate the Lord's Supper together, followed by lunch in the Student Center, sponsored by the Student Life Office.

Event Series Chapel

Distance Learning Students for Chapel Worship


Passage: Psalm 90 Speaker: MDiv student Grant Mensonides Friday: MDiv student Grant Mensonides will be speaking on Psalm 90. A lunch will follow chapel worship for you to enjoy in the Student Center or to take with you if you need to catch a flight or head home after.

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

 Event Series: Chapel Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester – Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from Luke/Acts. We’ll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.   The goal of this spiritual practice is to: Build community among students, faculty, and staff…

Medenblik Stick

Eagles Ice Center 2600 Village Drive, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Saturday, March 9, 11:00am-1:00pm - The annual Medenblik Stick event will be held at the Eagles Ice Center, 2600 Village Drive, Grand Rapids, MI 49506. From 11:00am to noon there will be open skating for faculty, staff, students, family, and friends. From noon-1:00pm we will play broomball. Brooms, balls, goals, and helmets are all provided for free. All skill levels…

Advising Week

During Advising Week, class schedules continue as normal

Monthly Mini Colloquium

Student Center

Dr. Ronald Feenstra will speak on "Reformed and Catholic Views of Baptism: Theological Differences over a Unifying Rite." All students, faculties, and staff are invited. Please RSVP to Dr. Thianto so he can plan accordingly for lunch.

Healthy Dialogue Series with Megan DeFranza

Student Center

Join us for a Seminary / Clergy Conversation with Megan DeFranza, author of Sex Difference in Christian Theology: Male, Female, and Intersex in the Image of God. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly for food and pass along materials for you to read and listen to prior to the event!

Spring Break

The Seminary will remain open during Spring Break

2024 Kuyper Conference

Prince Conference Center and Hotel 1800 E Beltline Ave SE, Grand Rapids, United States

Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary will host the 2024 Kuyper Conference at the Prince Conference Center on the Calvin University campus in Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA) from April 2-4, 2024. The general theme for the conference plenary sessions is “Stewardship in the Kingdom: Business, Academy, and Society.” In addition to the advancement of scholarship, this conference aims to foster personal and professional…

Meeter Center Spring Lecture on Religious Revival

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Come hear from Dr. Otto Selles (French Department at Calvin University) about a fascinating episode of religious revival among French Protestants in Montpellier in the early 18th century. The Meeter Center Spring Public Lecture takes place on Wednesday, April 3, at 4 PM in the Meeter Center Lecture Hall, off the Library Lobby. His presentation is titled…

Calvin Studies Society Colloquium

Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Calvin Studies Society 2024 Colloquium is on 4-6 April 2024. Please click this link for more information.

Lecture: “Hyo” and The Public Sphere: An Asian American Public Theology of Family

Meeter Center Lecture Hall

Korean theologian Sung Bum Yun contrasts Western and Eastern approaches to ethics; the Western locates reason as the source of universal values and emphasizes individual duty, the Eastern underscores principles governing interpersonal relationships. Yun then identifies family as the starting point for Christian ethics, specifically focusing on the father-son relationship in Confucian thought, and the…

Awakening Worship Night


Join Awakening for worship at our worship night, which will be on April 14, 7:50 PM in the Seminary Chapel! Forgiveness as a way that God shows love for His creation is the theme for this semester’s worship night! Let’s find freedom from sin in God’s mercy and show this overflowing love by blooming in…

Women of the Seminary

Watermark Country Club

Event Name: Women of the Seminary Date: Tuesday, April 16 Time: 6 pm Location: Watermark Country Club RSVP Deadline: April 10

Game Night

Student Center

Join RSAT for a pizza dinner and an evening of games and fun! Families are welcome - childcare and activities for children will be provided. No RSVP required! Contact RSAT with any questions (rsat@calvinseminary.edu).

Bahrain Missions Monday Lunch

Upper Room

Click here to register. Join Prof. Albert Strydhorst and RCA missionary Rev. Blaine Newhouse for a Missions Monday Lunch on April 22 at 12:20 PM - 1:20 PM in the Upper Room.  Rev. Newhouse is serving in Bahrain with the English Language Congregation (ELC) of the National Evangelical Church of Bahrain. He writes, "God has taken the…

April Monthly Mini Colloquium

Student Center

You are cordially invited to attend the last Monthly Mini Colloquium of this academic year on Monday, April 29 from 12:30-1:15pm in the Student Center. Prof. Mary Vanden Berg will talk about the book she is writing, "Invitation to Christian Theology." Please RSVP to Prof. Yudha Thianto (yudha.thianto@calvinseminary.edu). Light lunch will be provided.

Commencement 2024

Covenant Fine Arts Center 1795 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join Calvin Theological Seminary as we celebrate the graduating class of 2024! No tickets are required! To view our Spring 2024 Visitor's Guide, click here!

Timothy Leadership Training

Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Click here to register There will be Spanish and English TLT courses offered at CTS for 4 days this spring, May 20-23, 2024. You can attend for 2 days (May 20-21 or May 22-23) to complete one course, or all 4 days to complete two courses.  Find out more and register at TLT CTS May…

Doctor of Ministry Public Lecture with Dr. Colin Watson


Join us on Tuesday, June 4 from 6:30 - 9pm in the Calvin Theological Seminary Auditorium for our first-ever Doctor of Ministry Public Lecture! Our featured speaker is Doctor of Ministry graduate Dr. Colin Watson, who will be presenting key aspects of his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Leading in White Spaces: The Experience of African American…

Recovering Our Love of the Real


Many people feel that reality is just impersonal, indifferent, and meaningless, only grist for society’s pragmatic utility and scaling of power and mastery. It’s the stuff we consume, stuff with which I can do whatever I want. Even religious people sometimes devalue the world as irreligious, spiritually inferior, or a temptation to idolatry. But perhaps…

Flourishing Together: A Community Conversation on Disability and the Church

Student Center

Join us for a fun and interactive conversation about making church more welcoming and accessible for people with developmental disabilities and their families and friends. Together, we will explore creative ways churches can be places of belonging for every member of the body! Meet others and learn new ideas to take back to your congregation,…

Chinese Christian Posters: The First Social Media Revolution


In the first half of the 20th century, Chinese Christians produced posters cheaply and on a massive scale, allowing them to cover the nation with potent images. Their posters provided visual commentary on recent events, and their pictures and slogans tried to move public opinion. What did these early Christian “influencers” have to say, and…

Book Signing & Celebration: Through the Eyes of Titans with Dr. Danjuma Gibson

Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join us for a celebration and discussion of Dr. Danjuma Gibson’s new book, Through the Eyes of Titans: Finding Courage to Redeem the Soul of a Nation (Cascade, 2024). Hosted by Dr. John Witvliet, we will hear reflections from Dr. Lisa Weaver, Dr. Stephanie Boddie, and Dr. James Abbington with a response from Dr. Gibson.…

Church Now Cafe

Pillar Church 57 E 10th St, Holland, MI

Church Now Cafe is returning to Holland, Michigan. This conversation will include presentations by Dr. Andrew Root and getting his latest book. This event takes place at historic Pillar Church on August 5-6. CTS is a sponsor and CTS students can attend for free! Visit the event website to purchase a ticket. CTS students can…

International Student Orientation

Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Join the Student Life Office for International Student Orientation! Contact the Student Life Office for more information.

Student Council Meeting

Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States