Month: May 2020
Pew or Canoe: The Unexpected Turn
In 2007, Chicago Tribune columnist Ross Werland raised a provocative rhetorical question in the title of an editorial: “A pew or a canoe: Not a tough choice.” He cited statistics…
Millennials Want A Church That Talks About These Three Things
As a university pastor working with many young adults, I’ve heard a consistent message from rising generations in the Church: Millennials are reluctant to attach to local congregations. Some of…
Called To Serve And Lead Well With Different Ethnicities
My desire to serve different ethnicities in affirming, supporting, and celebrating our identity, calling, and giftedness goes back to how my parents raised us to treat all people in our…
We were in the church van on our way to the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) conference in Chicago. As we discussed the blessings and challenges of our church’s growing…
OK Boomer: the generational diversity of the church
It was not long ago that I first heard this phrase: “OK Boomer!” I knew that it was not a compliment. “OK Boomer” is a catchphrase that has gained popularity…
Calvin Seminary Students Visit Israel
This past January, I had the privilege of being a part of a group of Calvin Seminary students who traveled to Israel for two weeks. I myself am not a…
Anne Harrison Integrates Ministry and Library Backgrounds as New Theological Librarian
As a seminary graduate working in a library, Anne Harrison wondered if she’d ever be able to truly integrate her two callings: libraries and ministry. Earlier this year she found…
International Students and Scholars, Welcome!
I opened my email one Friday morning and read that a student from Kenya finally received his student visa since being admitted to Calvin Seminary over a year and a…
Celebrating Distance Education at Calvin Seminary
Kurtis Ritsema, a full-time Calvin Seminary student, shows up for class every day. Sometimes with his baby by his side. Though Ritsema lives in West Michigan, you won’t find him…