Lecture: Calvin’s Method of Pastoral Formation

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

We are thrilled to welcome Pastor Van Biak Muan as our most recent visiting scholar at the Meeter Center. He is the recipient of this year's Emo Van Halsema fellowship for pastors in the Reformed tradition and is currently working on his PhD dissertation at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. Presentation Topic: "Calvin’s Method of…

Meeter Center Lecture: Seeking Wisdom in Benedictine Spirituality

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Amidst overarching secularism in northwestern Europe today, there appears to be an appetite in Germany and the Netherlands for the wisdom rooted in the Benedictine Order of the Roman Catholic church. This presentation explores some of the themes and persons of this trend and suggests reasons for this phenomena.

Meeter Center Spring Lecture on Religious Revival

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Come hear from Dr. Otto Selles (French Department at Calvin University) about a fascinating episode of religious revival among French Protestants in Montpellier in the early 18th century. The Meeter Center Spring Public Lecture takes place on Wednesday, April 3, at 4 PM in the Meeter Center Lecture Hall, off the Library Lobby. His presentation is titled…

Presentation on John Calvin and the Bible

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

The Meeter Center welcomes students, faculty, staff and emeriti to our upcoming presentation on John Calvin and the Bible, on Thursday, January 25, starting at 3:30 PM in the Meeter Center, Hekman Library fourth floor. Our speaker is Thomas Alexander (Virginia Theological Seminary). He will be presenting based on the research he carried out as a Meeter…

Meeter Center Presentation

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Last visiting scholar Meeter Center presentation for summer 2023 - don't miss it! Please join us on Wednesday, August 2 at 3:30 PM in the Meeter Center, on the fourth floor of Hekman Library to hear from Elizabeth Hines, PhD student at the University of Chicago, and a recipient of one of our student research fellowships for…

Bernard van Vreeswijk and Jared Michelson’s Presentations

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

There's lots going on at the Meeter Center! On Thursday, July 20, we have a double-header. At 3 PM, Bernard van Vreeswijk (pastor of the Protestant Church in Scheveningen, The Netherlands) will present "Anselm of Canterbury and the Reformers on Atonement: Two Different Models?" He is our 2023 Meeter Family Fellowship recipient. Then at 3:30 PM, we'll hear from Jared…

John Calvin’s Birthday

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

John Calvin's 514th birthday is Monday, July 10! Come mark the occasion at an open house at the Meeter Center (fourth floor of Hekman Library) from 9 to 11 am. Tour the center and view our new exhibit, play Reformation-related games and win prizes, enjoy refreshments, take a selfie with John Calvin...lots of fun in…

Dr. Timothy Baylor’s Presentation

H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

The Meeter Center for Calvin Studies (4th floor of Hekman Library) warmly invites faculty, staff, and students as well as community members to the following presentations by our summer researchers. Thursday, July 6 (3: 30 PM), Dr. Timothy Baylor, University of Wales (Emo Van Halsema Fellowship Recipient), "Divine Dominion in the Theology of John Owen." Presentations…