Official Transcript Request

Date updated: April 17, 2024

Requests for official transcripts are accepted by using the form below. Please allow 3-5 days for the request to be processed. To receive an Official Transcript you must do three things:

  1. Bring your account with Financial Services to a zero balance.
  2. Read the “Important notes” below. 
  3. Fill out the Transcript Request Form below, sign it and submit it using the information on the form. 
  4. Pay the transcript fee.  The cost of this service is $5.00 USD per transcript copy, per degree. If you completed course work in more than one degree program at CTS, you must pay $5 per degree. You can pay the transcript fee online in the form, which is the preferred method. You can also pay using a check or money order made payable to Calvin Theological Seminary. (Current students: Do not pay through your tuition account.)

Important notes:  

  1. Most recipients do not consider our emailed copy official. Only a paper copy is considered official. 
  2. If you did multiple degrees here, you cannot send information from only one degree. The entire record is sent.
  3. If you are applying for an additional degree at Calvin Seminary, you do not need to request that we send ourselves your transcript.

If you have any questions, please email us:

Please allow 3-5 days for your request to be processed. All paper copies are sent through the U.S. Postal Service. Note that transcripts will not be mailed until the fee has been paid, and all amounts (tuition, etc) have been paid to Financial Services.