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Karin Maag

Director of the Meeter Center for Calvin Studies and Adjunct Professor of the History of Christianity; Co-Director of the Master of Theology (ThM) Program


B.A., Western Society and Culture/Religion, Concordia University, Montreal
M.Phil., Renaissance and Reformation History, University of Saint Andrews, Scotland
Ph.D., Reformation History, University of Saint Andrews, Scotland


Karin Maag is the Director of the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies (in Hekman Library), one of the world’s foremost collections of works on or by John Calvin. She has directed the Center since 1997. As well as her Seminary appointment, she is a tenured full professor in the history department at Calvin University.

At the Seminary, she has taught classes at the MDiv, ThM, and PhD levels. She is the author of numerous books, book chapters, and articles. Her most recent publications include Lifting Hearts to the Lord: Worship with John Calvin in Sixteenth-Century Geneva (Eerdmans, 2016) and Does the Reformation Still Matter? (Calvin College Press, 2016).

Her research interests include church and state issues in the Reformation era, the training of pastors, and early modern higher education. As editor of the Calvin Theological Journal, she encourages article-length submissions (8,000 to 10,000 words) in church history, biblical studies, missiology, theology, and ethics. Shorter studies with practical pastoral applications (c. 5,000 words) are also welcome. Potential contributors are encouraged to read the submission guidelines for the journal before sending in their work. See these guidelines.

Karin is married to Chris, a British-born marine biologist. Her interests include cycling, baking, reading historical mysteries, and choral singing.


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Featured Publications

Lifting Hearts to the Lord: Worship with John Calvin in Sixteenth-Century Geneva (Eerdmans, 2016)
Does the Reformation Still Matter? (Calvin College Press, 2016).