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Daniel Daley

Assistant Professor of New Testament


Bachelor of Arts, Multnomah University, 2012
Master of Theology, University of Edinburgh, 2014
Master of Science, University of Edinburgh, 2015
Doctor of Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin, 2019


Dr. Daniel Daley spent eight years as a pastor before entering the academic environment. After earning a bachelor’s degree in Bible and theology, with a minor in New Testament Greek, Dr. Daley moved with his family to Europe, where he spent ten years studying in Scotland, Ireland, and Belgium. After completing his PhD on the theme of theological inheritance, Dr. Daley worked on the international research project called, “The Texts, Traditions, and Early Christian Identities Project,” focusing on the Apostle Paul’s kinship language in Romans. He has spoken at a wide array of international conferences on topics such as the Synoptic Gospels, Paul’s letters to the Romans and the Galatians, and various Second Temple texts such as 1 Enoch, 4QInstruction, Sirach, Tobit, and 1 & 2 Maccabees.

Dr. Daley is married to Brennen, and they have three children. When he isn’t spending time with his family or his students, Dr. Daley likes to read, travel, and watch sports, and he enjoys exploring art, especially paintings, literature, music, and cinema.

Courses Taught

Interpreting the New Testament
The New Testament and Jewish Tradition
The Mission of God in the New Testament
Greek Fundamentals I

Areas of Expertise

Dr. Daley’s research interests include:

The Synoptic Gospels, especially their relationship to their Jewish, Greek, and Roman contexts.
Jesus’ design of “ideal discipleship” as presented in the Synoptic Gospels.
The hermeneutics of character development and spiritual formation.
The Apostle Paul’s use of language and tradition, especially as it relates to diasporic identity.
Second Temple Jewish history and textual traditions.
Intertextuality in the New Testament.

Blog and Forum Contributions

Featured Publications

Forthcoming, Ideal Disciples: A Commentary on Matthew’s Beatitudes  (Baylor University Press, 2024)
God’s Will and Testament: Inheritance in the Gospel of Matthew and Jewish Tradition (Baylor University Press, 2021)