Event Series Mission Mondays

Mission Mondays

Upper Room

Chat with an entrepreneurial missionary Join us for Mission Mondays lunch! Time: 12:20 - 1:20 pm Location: Room 106 by Student Center Keith and his wife worked for 30 years in a predominately Muslim province of China, operating a coffee/tea shop while presenting a Christian witness in words and actions. You can learn how entrepreneurship…

Event Series Chapel

Distance Learning Chapel


This week the Distance Learning students will be leading chapel worship on Tuesday, February 28, and Friday, March 3, right after class lets out at 12:30pm. On Tuesday, Prof. Cunha will be speaking from Malachi 2:17–3:5; 3:13–4:6; "Where Is the God of Justice?" and we'll celebrate the Lord's Supper together. Come and join us for worship! (There…

Event Series Chapel

Distance Learning Chapel 


Distance Learning students will be leading chapel worship on Tuesday, February 28, and Friday, March 3, right after class lets out at 12:30pm. On Tuesday, Prof. Cunha will be speaking from Malachi 2:17–3:5; 3:13–4:6; "Where Is the God of Justice?" and we'll celebrate the Lord's Supper together. Come and join us for worship! (There will be no Wednesday chapel worship…

Pancake Monday

Student Center

Join us every week on Mondays from 8:30-10:00am in the Student Center for plain, chocolate chip, and gluten/dairy free pancakes. Stop by for a bite on your way into work, invite your formation group and share a meal before meeting, or pop in after your 8:30 class (looking at you Systematic II). Hope to see…

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.

Resonate Global Mission Fair

Student Center

Resonate Global Mission, the Mission arm of the CRCNA, will hold a Mission Fair in our Student Center, 9:30am - 2:30 pm tomorrow. You will be able to learn about the various ministries and resources of Resonate, including church planting, interactive learning programs, leadership development, and Witness curriculum, as well as Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations (HHTN). You can also…

Event Series Chapel



We will worship together with 2021 MDiv graduate Anastaze Nzambonimpa preaching on "The Call to God's Mission" as part of the Resonate Global Mission Fair. Come and join us for worship! We'll join in donut fellowship afterward in the Student Center. You can also join online at this link.

Pancake Monday

Student Center

Join us every week on Mondays from 8:30-10:00 am in the Student Center for plain, chocolate chip, and gluten/dairy-free pancakes. Stop by for a bite on your way into work, invite your formation group and share a meal before meeting, or pop in after your 8:30 class (looking at you Systematic II). Hope to see…

Event Series Mission Mondays

Mission Mondays

Upper Room

Church Planting in USA Join us for our Mission Monday Lunch! Time: 12:20-1:20pm Location: Upper Room We will have Amy Schenkel and Dave VanderWoude. Amy planted and pastored a church with her husband, both of them serving bi-vocationally. She now serves with Resonate Global Mission as a regional team leader. Dave is the church planter…

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.

Event Series Chapel



We will worship together with MDiv student Dylan Harper speaking on 2 Timothy 2:1-7, "Gifts Alone?" Come and join us for worship! We'll join in donut fellowship afterward in the Student Center. You can also join online at this link.

Event Series Town Hall

Town Hall

Student Center

God's Mission in Oman and India Join us for lunch in the Student Center on Wednesday, March 15, at 12:30pm as we hear of some recent mission experiences: MDiv student Debbie Jin and her trip to Oman and MDiv student Dylan Harper and Professor Vandermolen and their recent mission experiences in India. You can also join…

Chili Cook-off


All Seminary faculty and staff are invited to attend the lunch in the Auditorium.  Entries of chili are needed as well as salads and desserts. A paper copy of the signup is also available in the Community Room. The categories for the chili competition are Most Creative, Hottest and Delicious, Classic Homemade (formerly Most Like…

Medenblik Stick

Eagles Ice Center, 2600 Village Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Mark your calendar now for a couple hours of fun at the Medenblik Stick! If you like ice skating, broomball, and community, then this is the event for you. We will be meeting at the Eagles Ice Center, 2600 Village Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, from 10:00am-noon, so come out and enjoy some time out on…

Event Series Mission Mondays

Mission Mondays

Upper Room

Justin Van Zee – Working with Young Adults in Cambodia Join us for our Mission Monday Lunch! Time: 12:20-1:20 pm Location: Upper Room We will have Justin Van Zee sharing with us informally about ministering in Cambodia, where he has served about ten years. He is fluent in the Khmer language and has worked mainly with young adults in…

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.

Event Series Chapel



We will worship together with Prof. Scott Hoezee speaking on Matthew 26:47-56, "With Friends Like This..." We will be celebrating Lord's Supper. Come and join us for worship! We'll join in donut fellowship afterward in the Student Center. You can also join online at this link.

Dies Natalis (Seminary Birthday)

Student Center

Come one, come all, to celebrate Dies Natalis with the Calvin Seminary community. As you all know, Calvin Theological Seminary began its journey in 1876 and this is our way of celebrating the birthday of the seminary. Join us, March 22, from 12:15-1:30 for a time of fellowship, celebration, and gratitude (and an occasional laugh as well). Traditionally this…

Prayer and Fasting for the Muslim World

Upper Room

Join in prayer & fasting for the Muslim World this noon. The Muslim fasting month of Ramadan began yesterday. Martin Kamaidan – CTS student in Nigeria – will join us by Zoom to inform us about Islam and Ramadan. Then we will pray for Muslims,for outreach to them, and for improved relations between Muslims and Islam. No sign up needed. Fasting is voluntary (but…

Women of the Seminary Event

Watermark Country Club

Jackie Medenblik cordially invites all women of the seminary to join her at Watermark Country Club on Thursday evening, March 23rd at 6pm for dinner and an evening of fellowship. Author and speaker, Laura DeGroot, will be speaking about her book, Live Wide Awake. All women of the seminary including students, staff, faculty, and spouses are…

Healthy Dialogue Series – “Interested Clery Conversation”

Student Center

CTS is hosting "Interested Clergy Conversation" Calvin University is bringing to the Student Center as part of its Healthy Dialogue Series. Saturday, March 25 - 9:00 am to 10:30 am Bridget Eileen Riversa, author of Heavy Burdens:  Seven Ways LGBT Christians Experience Harm in the Church published by Brazos Press Hot Breakfast buffet starts at 8:30 am,…

Event Series Mission Mondays

Mission Monday

Upper Room

Translating the Bible into Zhuang - Our guests will be Stuart & Peggy Milliken. They have worked for over forty years with Summer Institute of Linguistics (also known as Wycliffe Bible Translators) and other organizations, translating the Bible into Zhuang, the largest minority language group in China. You might consider Bible translation as a ministry option…

Public Reading of Scripture

Student Center

Our Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.

Event Series Chapel



We will worship together with Prof. Yudha Thianto speaking on Titus 1:1-5, "I Am Not My Own." We will be celebrating Lord's Supper. Come and join us for worship! We'll join in donut fellowship afterward in the Student Center. You can also join online at this link.

Celebrate Our Missionary-in-Residence, Dr. Stan Kruis

Student Center

On Wednesday after chapel we will have a celebration in the Student Center, recognizing Dr. Stan Kruis' two years of faithful service as our Missionary-in-Residence. We'll have a short program honoring Dr. Kruis and his wife, Bessie, while we enjoy donuts together. Don't miss it!

Event Series Town Hall

Town Hall – Neal Plantinga Book Launch

Student Center

The Development Office is pleased to invite you to a noon lunch with a presentation by former Calvin Seminary President Neal Plantinga on his recent book Under the Wings of God. Next Wednesday, March 29, lunch will be served at 12:00 noon in the Student Center followed by Prof. Scott Hoezee interviewing Dr. Plantinga on…

Communication’s Lunch & Learn

Upper Room

Seminary faculty and staff are invited to a Lunch & Learn hosted by the Communications Office! Come learn more about what our office is up to, the ways in which we can serve you & your department, and a deeper look into our social media platforms. There will also be a time to ask questions!