Spring Break
Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesMission Monday
Upper RoomMission Monday Lunch April 10 – Last Chance with Stan & Bessie Kruis Ok, there are no classes Monday, April 10, but you won’t want to miss this last chance to hear about the mission journey of our Missionary-in-Residence, Stan Kruis, and his wife Bessie (and to interrogate them)! Come for some stories from the…
Public Reading of Scripture
Student CenterOur Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.
Town Hall
Student CenterProf. Mary Vanden Berg Book Event Join us at 12:30pm on Wednesday, April 12, for a book event for Professor Vanden Berg and her new book, Aquinas, Science, and Human Uniqueness: An Integrated Approach to the Question of What Makes Us Human. The lunch will be served beginning at 12:20pm in the Student Center followed by…
Volunteer Luncheon
Student CenterMovie Night: “Luminous”
AuditoriumOn Monday evening, April 17, at 7:00pm, Calvin Seminary will be hosting a screening of the film Luminous in the Seminary Auditorium. Luminous is a feature documentary that follows Calvin University astronomy professor Dr. Larry Molnar's effort to find the unfindable - a star about to explode, and the international response to his prediction about the star. Dr. Molnar,…
Mission Monday
Upper RoomMinistry to Middle Eastern Refugees in Berlin, Germany, with Resonate Missionaries David Kromminga and Mary Buteyn, who will join us by Zoom from Berlin. (Rescheduled from April 3 due to Spring Break).
Public Reading of Scripture
Student CenterOur Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.
Chaplaincy Day
Student CenterOn Wednesday, April 19, we're hosting a Chaplaincy Day. We'll have a chaplain speaking in chapel, and there will be Pine Rest, Army, and Navy chaplains available in the Student Center to talk with you about chaplaincy, including over Andrea's pizza during lunch. Mark your calendars now!
Student CenterConversation is one of the most important skills for ministry and teaching. As disciples, we don't just "dialogue" with one another. We have the word (logos) of Christ that unites us and can move through us when we gather together. Colossians 3:16 encourages us "Let the word (logos) of Christ dwell in you richly; teaching…
Safety Training
AuditoriumWe will be hosting a Safety Training available for all Calvin Seminary faculty, staff and students on Thursday, April 20 at noon in the Auditorium. Bill Corner, the Director of Campus Safety at Calvin University, will lead the training, which will include general safety guidelines and also active shooter training.
Reading Greek
Student CenterIt's that simple. Whether you're new to Greek or not, we need to practice the skill of reading the New Testament in its original language. We'll begin by walking through 1 Thessalonians verse by verse, talking about the text as we go. Feel free to join Jesse Zandee with or without your lunch in the…
Mission Monday with Stan & Bessie Kruis
via ZoomLooking back on 35 plus years of ministry in the Philippines and China, Stan & Bessie will join us by Zoom from California (where they are visiting churches) – 12:20-1:20 p.m. Monday, April 24. You’re on your own for lunch this time, and you can join from wherever you are with this Zoom link: https://crcna.zoom.us/j/86191715873?pwd=aUhiUUlSR2d0TDlvWFhrRDltL0FVQT09
Public Reading of Scripture
Student CenterOur Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.
ChapelOn Wednesday, April 26, at 10:00am in the chapel, PhD student Sam Ha will be speaking from Deuteronomy 10:14-19, "Sojourners Loving Sojourners." Representatives of the CRCNA Office of Race Relations will participate and will host our donut fellowship afterward in the Student Center. You can also join online at this link.
CRC Office of Race Relations Day
Student CenterApril 26th will be the Office of Race Relations Day. We will have a special chapel worship service with the staff from the ORR as well as students who have received the Race Relationships scholarships. The ORR will set a table at the Student Center between 10:00 am and 2:30 pm, so be sure to…
Student CenterConversation is one of the most important skills for ministry and teaching. As disciples, we don't just "dialogue" with one another. We have the word (logos) of Christ that unites us and can move through us when we gather together. Colossians 3:16 encourages us "Let the word (logos) of Christ dwell in you richly; teaching…
Reading Greek
Student CenterIt's that simple. Whether you're new to Greek or not, we need to practice the skill of reading the New Testament in its original language. We'll begin by walking through 1 Thessalonians verse by verse, talking about the text as we go. Feel free to join Jesse Zandee with or without your lunch in the…
Public Reading of Scripture
Student CenterOur Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.
President’s Legacy Society of CTS
Prince Conference Center and Hotel 1800 E Beltline Ave SE, Grand Rapids, United StatesDescription:*Faculty & Staff & Donors Each year, we hold a luncheon at the Prince Center and provide a highlight of our ministry or a recent book. This year, Karin Maag will interview Yudha Thianto about his still new book, An Explorer's Guide to John Calvin. RSVP to Laura Palsrok.
Student CenterConversation is one of the most important skills for ministry and teaching. As disciples, we don't just "dialogue" with one another. We have the word (logos) of Christ that unites us and can move through us when we gather together. Colossians 3:16 encourages us "Let the word (logos) of Christ dwell in you richly; teaching…
Reading Greek
Student CenterIt's that simple. Whether you're new to Greek or not, we need to practice the skill of reading the New Testament in its original language. We'll begin by walking through 1 Thessalonians verse by verse, talking about the text as we go. Feel free to join Jesse Zandee with or without your lunch in the…
End-of-Year Picnic and Ping-Pong Finals
Student CenterCome early for food and a good seat! At 12:30pm, we'll gather in the Student Center for the finals of our Ping-Pong Tournament (singles and doubles), while enjoying a picnic lunch to celebrate the end of the year. Don't miss the fun and excitement! Cheer the players! Watch amazing plays! Enjoy food and fellowship!
Wedding Rehearsal
ChapelWedding Ceremony
ChapelThanksgiving in May
Watermark Country ClubFor all faculty, staff, retirees and spouses
Graduate Open House & Chapel
ChapelGraduate Open House & Chapel On Friday, May 19, from 9:00am until noon, we will host an Open House at the Seminary for our 2023 graduates and their families. Staff and faculty will be in their offices so that students and their families can connect and take pictures, etc. At 10:00am that morning, we will have…
50th Reunion
Student CenterWe welcome the Class of 1973 for their 50th Reunion! There will be a dinner and a short program on Friday, May 19th. Punch reception starts at 5:00 pm and dinner starts at 6:00 pm. Dr. Yudha Thianto will offer a short program, and there will be an opportunity to tour the renovated seminary building.…
Covenant Fine Arts Center 1795 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesOn Saturday, May 20 at 10:30 am we will have the Commencement ceremony and reception for the Class of 2023. The ceremony is at Calvin University’s CFAC at 10:30 am, and reception will follow in the Student Center. The Reception will follow in the Student Center (CTS) from 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. All students are invited to congratulate…
TLT Training
Description: There will be Timothy Leadership Training offered at CTS for 4 days, May 22-25, 2023. You can attend for 2 days (May 22-23 or May 24-25) to complete one course, or 4 days to complete two courses. Find out more and register at https://raiseupglobal.regfox.com/tlt-2023. NOTE: If you are interested in doing your CTS cross-cultural ministry…
DMin Summer 2023 residential week
DMin Summer 2023 residential week (June 5-9)
CICW Seminar: Putting a Human Face on Migration
CICW Seminar SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is holding a week-long seminar on how to think deeply about migration and migrants as Christians. We still have some open spots for local people to join in this week of learning. Email noel.snyder@calvin.edu to express interest or find more information. If you know of…
Dr. Timothy Baylor’s Presentation
H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesThe Meeter Center for Calvin Studies (4th floor of Hekman Library) warmly invites faculty, staff, and students as well as community members to the following presentations by our summer researchers. Thursday, July 6 (3: 30 PM), Dr. Timothy Baylor, University of Wales (Emo Van Halsema Fellowship Recipient), "Divine Dominion in the Theology of John Owen." Presentations…
John Calvin’s Birthday
H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesJohn Calvin's 514th birthday is Monday, July 10! Come mark the occasion at an open house at the Meeter Center (fourth floor of Hekman Library) from 9 to 11 am. Tour the center and view our new exhibit, play Reformation-related games and win prizes, enjoy refreshments, take a selfie with John Calvin...lots of fun in…
Bernard van Vreeswijk and Jared Michelson’s Presentations
H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesThere's lots going on at the Meeter Center! On Thursday, July 20, we have a double-header. At 3 PM, Bernard van Vreeswijk (pastor of the Protestant Church in Scheveningen, The Netherlands) will present "Anselm of Canterbury and the Reformers on Atonement: Two Different Models?" He is our 2023 Meeter Family Fellowship recipient. Then at 3:30 PM, we'll hear from Jared…
13th International Calvin Congress : “Calvin, Exile, and Religious Refugees”
Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesWe warmly invite you to register for the upcoming thirteenth International Calvin Congress! This conference meets every four years at locations around the world - it is an honor to host it here on Calvin's campus. From 9 am on Tuesday July 25, 2023 through lunchtime on Friday, July 28, 2023, on the campus of…
Community Psalmfest
ChapelInternational Calvin Congress July 25-28, and special evening events open to all! There are two evening events during the conference that you are welcome to attend free of charge - bring your families and neighbors too! “Psalms of Exile, Psalms of Hope” – Community Psalmfest on Tuesday, July 25, at 7:30 PM in the Seminary…
Stan Sturning’s retelling of John Calvin’s life
ChapelInternational Calvin Congress July 25-28, and special evening events open to all! There is another evening event during the conference that you are welcome to attend free of charge - bring your families and neighbors too! On Wednesday, July 26 at 7:30 PM, witness a riveting enacted retelling of John Calvin's life by local pastor…
Stan Sturning’s retelling of John Calvin’s life
ChapelInternational Calvin Congress July 25-28, and special evening events open to all! There is another evening event during the conference that you are welcome to attend free of charge - bring your families and neighbors too! On Wednesday, July 26 at 7:30 PM, witness a riveting enacted retelling of John Calvin's life by local pastor…
Stan Sturning’s retelling of John Calvin’s life
ChapelInternational Calvin Congress July 25-28, and special evening events open to all! There is another evening event during the conference that you are welcome to attend free of charge - bring your families and neighbors too! On Wednesday, July 26 at 7:30 PM, witness a riveting enacted retelling of John Calvin's life by local pastor…
Stan Sturning’s retelling of John Calvin’s life
ChapelInternational Calvin Congress July 25-28, and special evening events open to all! There is another evening event during the conference that you are welcome to attend free of charge - bring your families and neighbors too! On Wednesday, July 26 at 7:30 PM, witness a riveting enacted retelling of John Calvin's life by local pastor…
Meeter Center Presentation
H. Henry Meeter Center 1855 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesLast visiting scholar Meeter Center presentation for summer 2023 - don't miss it! Please join us on Wednesday, August 2 at 3:30 PM in the Meeter Center, on the fourth floor of Hekman Library to hear from Elizabeth Hines, PhD student at the University of Chicago, and a recipient of one of our student research fellowships for…
Staff Retreat
Brookside Christian Reformed ChurchStaff Retreat Attention all STAFF! Please save the date of Thursday, August 17 for our all day staff retreat at Brookside Christian Reformed Church. Continental breakfast available at 8:30 a.m., retreat to begin at 9:00 a.m., all should be wrapped up prior to 3:00 p.m. that day. See you there!
International Student Orientation
Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States2023 Fall International Student Orientation Welcome to International Students and families! Orientation Schedule Monday, August 21: 10:00 - 10:30am Chapel 10:30 - 11:30am Introduction of students and families 11:30am - 12:00pm Tour of CTS building and Calvin Campus 12:00 - 12:45pm Lunch 12:45 - 1:15pm Food Pantry Tuesday, August 22: 9:00 - 9:30am Seminary…
EPMC Orientation
Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United StatesTuesday, August 22 Calvin Seminary Visit Day 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Room 141 Wednesday, August 23 VFO Retreat Day Seminary Chapel
CPI Women’s Golf Classic
MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 2023 CALVIN PRISON INITIATIVE FOUNDATION 3rd ANNUAL WOMEN’S GOLF CLASSIC THOUSAND OAKS GOLF CLUB | GRAND RAPIDS, MI This is a fundraising event hosted by the Calvin Prison Initiative (CPI) Foundation. CPI is dedicated to providing inmates in the MDOC with access to a comprehensive liberal arts education, empowering them to earn…
2023 ThM/PhD Orientation
Calvin Theological Seminary 3233 Burton ST SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States2023 Fall Orientation for ThM & PhD Students Monday, August 28 9:00AM - 11:45AM ThM/PhD Seminar 12:00PM - 1:00PM Seminar Lunch 1:00PM - 2:00PM ThM/PhD Seminar at Hekman Library Tuesday, August 29 9:00AM - 11:45AM ThM/PhD Seminar Wednesday, August 30 8:30AM - 9:30AM Continental Breakfast 9.30AM - 10:00AM Chapel 10:00AM - 12:00PM Welcome…