Mission Mondays
Upper RoomChat with an entrepreneurial missionary Join us for Mission Mondays lunch! Time: 12:20 - 1:20 pm Location: Room 106 by Student Center Keith and his wife worked for 30 years in a predominately Muslim province of China, operating a coffee/tea shop while presenting a Christian witness in words and actions. You can learn how entrepreneurship…
Distance Learning Chapel
ChapelThis week the Distance Learning students will be leading chapel worship on Tuesday, February 28, and Friday, March 3, right after class lets out at 12:30pm. On Tuesday, Prof. Cunha will be speaking from Malachi 2:17–3:5; 3:13–4:6; "Where Is the God of Justice?" and we'll celebrate the Lord's Supper together. Come and join us for worship! (There…
Distance Learning Chapel
ChapelDistance Learning students will be leading chapel worship on Tuesday, February 28, and Friday, March 3, right after class lets out at 12:30pm. On Tuesday, Prof. Cunha will be speaking from Malachi 2:17–3:5; 3:13–4:6; "Where Is the God of Justice?" and we'll celebrate the Lord's Supper together. Come and join us for worship! (There will be no Wednesday chapel worship…
Pancake Monday
Student CenterJoin us every week on Mondays from 8:30-10:00am in the Student Center for plain, chocolate chip, and gluten/dairy free pancakes. Stop by for a bite on your way into work, invite your formation group and share a meal before meeting, or pop in after your 8:30 class (looking at you Systematic II). Hope to see…
Public Reading of Scripture
Student CenterOur Tuesday rhythm of Public Reading of Scripture (PRS) continues this semester - Tuesdays at noon, in the Student Center as we continue listening together to God’s Word from the Psalms, Genesis, and Matthew. We'll listen together and then enjoy the lunch that is provided.
Resonate Global Mission Fair
Student CenterResonate Global Mission, the Mission arm of the CRCNA, will hold a Mission Fair in our Student Center, 9:30am - 2:30 pm tomorrow. You will be able to learn about the various ministries and resources of Resonate, including church planting, interactive learning programs, leadership development, and Witness curriculum, as well as Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations (HHTN). You can also…