TLT Training
May 22, 2023 - May 25, 2023

- This event has passed.
Description: There will be Timothy Leadership Training offered at CTS for 4 days, May 22-25, 2023. You can attend for 2 days (May 22-23 or May 24-25) to complete one course, or 4 days to complete two courses. Find out more and register at https://raiseupglobal.regfox.com/tlt-2023.
NOTE: If you are interested in doing your CTS cross-cultural ministry internship with Resonate Global Mission, many of the potential internships require you to have completed at least two TLT courses. Participating in the May training is an excellent way to meet this requirement! Any questions? Contact Albert Strydhorst at aas040@calvinseminary.edu; CTS Office 159.