Calvin Seminary Blog
Making Shalom: The Belhar Confession
For years the CRCNA has made efforts to become a multi-ethnic church and to promote racial justice. The adoption of the Belhar Confession will help the CRC move closer to…
Reflections on the Belhar Confession
Confession of Belhar September 1986 We believe in the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who gathers, protects and cares for the church through Word and Spirit. This, God…
From the President
Dear Brothers and Sisters, From biblical times till the present, Christians have united the church, fought heresy, testified to outsiders, defied persecution, taught newcomers, and worshiped God—all by the use…
Formation for Ministry
Drawing Near to God in Community: Pastoral Identity Retreat 2010 We got off the “farm,” and it was rich. Fifty-eight students gathered toothbrushes, Bibles, and our seminarian hearts and traveled…
Growing Through Grief: An Interview with Robert C. DeVries and Susan J. Zonnebelt-Smeenge
Beginning with the publication of their first book, Getting to the Other Side of Grief: Overcoming the Loss of a Spouse, in 1998, Robert C. DeVries, Professor Emeritus of Church…
The Fear of Facing Death
We all know that someday, unless our Lord returns, our earthly “tents” will cave in; we are all going to die. But I know it differently. My “tent” was nearly…
A Hard Waiting for the Lord
Henry was dying of throat cancer. He knew it; his wife, Joan, knew it; their two grown children knew it; and the doctors knew it. But he wasn’t dying quickly,…
“As in Adam …” A Sermon on 1 Corinthians 15
The health care debate that dominated the news in 2009 raised many ethical issues surrounding the end of life. Politicians accused each other of “killing grandma” with their health care…
What Happens When We Die?
Sooner or later all of us must face up to death. Energetic adolescents ignore it, and their middle-aged parents often pursue illusions of perpetual youth. But the elderly and terminally…
From the President
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Hample and Marshall’s book titled Children’s Letters to God includes a few simple sentences on death from a small boy: “What is it like when you…
Chaplains in Chapel On U.S. Veterans Day, November 11, 2009, CTS encouraged veterans on the faculty and in the student body to attend chapel in uniform. Morning worship that day…
Formation for Ministry
CTS Receives Grant Renewal for Facing Your Future Program For 11 years the Facing Your Future (FYF) program at Calvin Theological Seminary has identified and engaged young people of great spiritual,…
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