Calvin Seminary Blog
Become What You Are: God’s New Reconciled Humanity
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier,the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with…
2016 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients
The Calvin Theological Seminary Board of Trustees this year named two recipients for the 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award. The award is given annually to recipients who have brought unusual credit…
Welcome Back, Ann Plantinga Kapteyn
Twenty-three years after graduating from Calvin Seminary with an MTS and eighteen years after leaving Grand Rapids to serve overseas with Wycliffe Bible Translators, I find myself back at Calvin…
Farewell to Darwin Glassford
The majesty of the mountains enthrall Darwin Glassford, who dedicates time each year to hiking a portion of the Appalachian Trail with one of his two daughters, and summiting a…
The Consummate Host
Genesis 18 paints a picture of the consummate host: we are told that Abraham is sitting in his tent during the heat of the day when he sees three men…
From the President: The Challenge and Opportunity of Hospitality
I still remember moving from Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Fulton, Illinois, when I was in the first grade. A new home also meant a new school. I started a few weeks…
Retirements 2016
Arie Leder Arie Leder is only half-joking when he says he expects to “make a little dough” following his retirement from teaching Old Testament studies and narrative literature at Calvin…
Formation for Ministry
Alumni Reflections — From Study Group to Support Group Seven of us, then fresh-faced seminarians, pulled our chairs around a table on the frigid fourth floor of the library. We…
The Belhar Speaks Today
Introduction During one of the worst periods of apartheid rule in South Africa, some courageous South African Christians gave birth to the Belhar Confession, a balanced, biblically rich witness to…
Context and Confusion: What Does the Belhar Confess?
Synod 2012 will decide whether to adopt the Belhar Confession as a doctrinal standard of the CRCNA. There are powerful denominational and ecumenical pressures to do so. The Uniting Reformed…
Necessary Testimony — Flawed Confession?
God does not grade our sins on a curve; before his holy face, big or little, a sin is a sin. However, not all sins bear the same consequences, and…
Adopting the Belhar: Confession or Testimony?
The Christian Reformed Church is on the verge of doing something it has never done before: adopt another confession. Our other three confessions—the Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of…
Visit Calvin Theological Seminary’s Campus
We can’t wait to host you on campus! Schedule your visit today, or, if you need more time to find a date that works for you, please request information so we can continue the conversation about supporting your calling!