Calvin Seminary Blog
Sola Gratia
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound / That saved a wretch like me.” Martin Luther never knew this song, but if he had known it, he would have sung it…
Solo Christo
“In Christ alone my hope is found / He is my light, my strength, my song.” These first two lines of Keith Getty and Stuart Townend’s popular hymn resound with…
Sola Scriptura
Sola Scriptura: by Scripture alone. What a courageous Reformation motto! But what does it mean? I remember a Sunday school song: “The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that’s the book for me.” So…
Sola Fide
“I do it myself!” That’s what my four-year-old grandson typically says whenever I try to help him with some task. It’s the same thing his mother said to me when…
From the President: More Than a Slogan
President’s Note: Dr. John Cooper is completing nine consecutive years of service on the Forum Editorial Committee. In this role, he has always sought to bridge the conversation between the…
Loving Our Neighbors of Other Faiths
Recently I have received several calls and emails asking about resources for churches that are seeking to learn about other religions and how to faithfully engage them. Consider the following…
New Faces at Calvin Seminary – Fall 2016
Mitchell Schroder, Gift Official and Annual Fund Leader Mitchell Schroder joined Calvin Seminary last fall as Gift Official and Annual Fund Leader. Mitchell graduated from Calvin College in 2016 with…
Challenges and Opportunities: My vision for the Calvin Theological Journal
In 1966, Seminary president John Kromminga described the mission of the Calvin Theological Journal in its inaugural issue: “to serve the community of Reformed theological scholarship, and through it, the…
Launching Alumni Engagement
Q&A with Jennifer Settergren, Director of Financial Aid & alumni Engagement Why is alumni engagement critical at this time in Calvin Seminary history? We’re in the midst of many…
Trauma: Suffering in Silence
A Reflection on Trauma and the Church Community There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.…
Convocation 2016
Just weeks before his official retirement, Rev. Lugene Schemper, theological librarian and member of the faculty, gave the 2016 Convocation address to the gathering of students, faculty, and staff. His…
Reflections on China Today
In recent years, Calvin Seminary has found itself increasingly at the intersection of global Christianity. Over one third of our students come from outside of North America, representing well over…
Visit Calvin Theological Seminary’s Campus
We can’t wait to host you on campus! Schedule your visit today, or, if you need more time to find a date that works for you, please request information so we can continue the conversation about supporting your calling!