Calvin Seminary Blog
Presidential Reformation Tour 2017
In March, 2017, President Michael LeRoy of Calvin College and President Jul Medenblik of Calvin Theological Seminary jointly hosted a Reformation Tour of Germany and Switzerland, commemorating the 500th anniversary…
A New Face at Calvin Seminary – Spring 2017
Laura Palsrok joined Calvin Seminary last fall as the Assistant to the Director of Development. Laura has a B.A. in English and German from Calvin College. Prior to coming here,…
We have all heard it said that God works in mysterious ways. Often the saying can seem like a cop-out used to avoid reflecting more deeply on God’s ways in…
Distinguished Alumni Award Winners 2017
REVEREND HOWARD VANDERWELL Baptized in First Christian Reformed Church in Muskegon, MI, by his grandfather, Rev. Samuel Eldersveld, Howard Vanderwell subsequently received his early education at Muskegon Christian Schools and…
Forming Better Leaders for Today’s Churches
“Our interns have been life-giving to our congregation,” wrote Pastor Nate DeJong-McCarron in a recent email to the Vocational Formation Office. DeJong-McCarron, pastor at Fuller Ave CRC, went on to…
Surprised by Snow: Study Tour through Greece and Turkey
They didn’t tell us there’d be snow. “It will probably rain,” Professor Weima warned us, “and it might not be as warm as you think.” But snow, adorning palm trees…
Seeds of Justice, Harvest of Shalom
“Mexico does not exist in reality,” we were told by Pastor Dan Gonzâlez of the Comunidad Teologica (a consortium of denominational seminaries) on our first evening in Mexico City. “In…
Handlon Students Mark First Milestone at Convocation
“You’re running against yourself,” said Ronald Feenstra, academic dean and professor of systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. Addressing a crowd of students at the Handlon convocation ceremony, Feenstra charged…
Defeating the Powers of Darkness and Establishing a Kingdom of Love
In chapter twenty-seven of his gospel, when Matthew describes the temple curtain being torn, the earth shaking, and the rocks splitting (verse fifty- one), he was describing the death of…
Dean Deppe
Dean Deppe’s cup always has been half full or better — whether serving as a pastor to people in the core city, suburban sprawl or a more rural outpost in…
John Cooper
John Cooper admits he’s been stuck in a bit of a rut ever since he arrived for his first kindergarten class in Passaic, New Jersey, almost 65 years ago. “I’ve…
Soli Deo Gloria
The Westminster shorter catechism famously begins with the question, “What is the chief end of man?” Its answer is pithy and to the point: “To enjoy God and glorify him…
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We can’t wait to host you on campus! Schedule your visit today, or, if you need more time to find a date that works for you, please request information so we can continue the conversation about supporting your calling!