Calvin Seminary Blog
The Grace of Discipline
In his classic work, The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer warned Christians in 1930s Nazi Germany against the subtle deceitfulness of what he called cheap grace. “Cheap grace is the…
On The Potter’s Wheel
“But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him” (Jer.…
Preparing Pastors
For churches and clergy alike, forging a mutually satisfying and long-term “fit” between congregation and pastor is a matter of considerable art and science, not to mention continuous supplication. At…
John Bolt Retires
After nearly three decades, John Bolt is approaching his impending retirement from Calvin Theological Seminary with admitted ambivalence, grateful to be liberated from long faculty meetings and other academic tedium…
500 Years Later: A Conversation Between Catholics and Protestants
As a part of a larger series of events and programs planned for Fall 2017 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Calvin Seminary hosted an evening of talks…
The Meaning of Martha: Catholics and Protestants on Work and Vocation
Mary and Martha. I think we all know the story as related in the tenth chapter of the gospel according to St. Luke. After telling the parable of the good…
Christian Ethics, Protestant and Catholic: 500 Years After the Reformation
The Reformers broke dramatically with the Roman Catholic Church when it came to the doctrines of salvation and ecclesiology. They did not do so with respect to ethics. In fact,…
Learning about the Lord’s Supper from Roman Catholics
During the fifty years since Vatican II, Roman Catholic and Reformed Christians have engaged in significant ecumenical dialogue. I have been privileged to be part of some of that dialogue…
Reformed and Catholic Worship – Are There Any Points of Convergence?
A few years ago, at our end-of-year celebration at the Friendship for people with cognitive impairments, jointly run by Woodlawn CRC and St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Grand…
From the President: What Can Catholics and Protestants Learn From One Another Today?
On November 1, 1944, a woman from the Christian Reformed Church married a man from the Catholic Church. The wedding took place in Roseland, Illinois. Even before their wedding, the…
Faculty Publications – Fall 2017
The Embrace of Building by Lee Hardy, Adjunct Professor of Philosophical Theology The Embrace of Buildings provides an overview of the key factors, topics, and issues in Anglo-American urbanism: the…
New Faces at Calvin Seminary – Fall 2017
Gary Burge It is a joy and a privilege to join Calvin Seminary’s faculty this fall. I recently completed 25 years on the faculty of Wheaton College where I taught…
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