Calvin Seminary Blog

OK Boomer: the generational diversity of the church

It was not long ago that I first heard this phrase: “OK Boomer!” I knew that it was not a compliment. “OK Boomer” is a catchphrase that has gained popularity…

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Calvin Seminary Students Visit Israel

This past January, I had the privilege of being a part of a group of Calvin Seminary students who traveled to Israel for two weeks. I myself am not a…

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Anne Harrison Integrates Ministry and Library Backgrounds as New Theological Librarian

As a seminary graduate working in a library, Anne Harrison wondered if she’d ever be able to truly integrate her two callings: libraries and ministry. Earlier this year she found…

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International Students and Scholars, Welcome!

I opened my email one Friday morning and read that a student from Kenya finally received his student visa since being admitted to Calvin Seminary over a year and a…

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Celebrating Distance Education at Calvin Seminary

Kurtis Ritsema, a full-time Calvin Seminary student, shows up for class every day. Sometimes with his baby by his side. Though Ritsema lives in West Michigan, you won’t find him…

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Faculty News: Morehouse Glee Club Visits Calvin Seminary, Honors Dr. Gibson

In March of 2020, Calvin Seminary hosted a conversation with the Morehouse College glee club. In partnership with the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship, Calvin Seminary professor John Witvliet interviewed…

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Faculty News: Professor Bierma Spends Sabbatical in the Netherlands

On his sabbatical during the Fall of 2019, Professor Lyle Bierma spent a month as a Visiting Scholar at the Theological University of Apeldoorn in the Netherlands. During his time…

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Faculty News: Calvin Seminary Faculty Teach in Cairo, Egypt

In January 2020, professors Jeff Weima and Mary VandenBerg visited the Cairo Evangelical Theological Seminary to teach and connect with Calvin Seminary alumni and other partners. Their schedule allowed them…

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Faculty News: Sarah Schreiber Connects with Alumni through Listening Tour

In April 2019, professor Sarah Schreiber hosted a conversation with alumni, as part of a listening tour funded through the Center for Excellence in Preaching. During her visit to Houston,…

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From One Generation to the Next: Empowering a New Generation of Church Leaders

“One generation will call to the next, ‘Our God is good and his hand is strong!’ All of the world sings his marvelous acts and our voice will join with…

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New Doctor of Ministry Program Focused on Diversity, Ministry Questions

Calvin Seminary has announced the launch of a new Doctor of Ministry (DMin) program, with an expected launch date of May 2020. This doctoral degree program will be designed for…

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Dementia and Wilderness

Dementia. Few diagnoses carry the level of fear and dread that this little word does, both for the one diagnosed and for that person’s loved ones. Although Alzheimer’s is perhaps…

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Visit Calvin Theological Seminary’s Campus

We can’t wait to host you on campus! Schedule your visit today, or, if you need more time to find a date that works for you, please request information so we can continue the conversation about supporting your calling!