Ministry in the 21st Century: Cari Fydirchuk

Date Published

July 10, 2024

Home / Blog / Ministry in the 21st Century: Cari Fydirchuk

Published by Calvin Seminary

Reclaim-App, 2017 MDiv Alum

In the summer of 2021, while the world was attempting to return to normal after COVID-19, I was also seeking a sense of normalcy following my journey with cancer. Feeling deeply connected to humanity’s yearning for things to go back to the way they were—as both pastor and patient—Jesus’s words stirred my heart.

“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:7–8 NIV) Biblically, “to the ends of the earth” refers to as far as God extends under the heavens—a vast vision!

Jesus first asked me to participate in this vision 12 years ago when I answered the call to ministry as part of the first cohort for Calvin Theological Seminary’s Distance Learning Program. Today, Calvin Seminary is offering the M.Div. Program and additional distance learning degrees as a hybrid of online and inperson learning. This is just one example as we consider our present reality and the invitation from Jesus to travel with him to the ends of the earth—in this case, pursuing theological education virtually, alongside peers from many different countries and cultures.

Today, Jesus followers are still invited to reflect Christ in various spaces, including new hybrid communities that are now commonplace in our schools, work, healthcare, and other institutions we engage with regularly. We also find ourselves living in a disrupted and divided world, with many seeking “spirituality” and safe spaces for connection. However, the world struggles to see the church as a relatable place. In the past, it was common for people to go to church in person to find guidance and help in times of searching or crisis. Now, people are more likely to check out a church online first.

Recent research indicates that over a quarter of people now attend church online or use apps and websites to engage with Scripture and their faith. These real people behind the screens moved me to answer Jesus’s call to witness to the ends of the earth by starting an online/hybrid ministry called Reclaim-App.

Reclaim-App offers safe spaces of calm and connection with God, our neighbors, and ourselves through weekly practices that integrate Christian spirituality with holistic wellness exercises such as yoga, meditation, prayer, and conversation through our Reclaim-App podcast. We are also excited to be taking these practices into the neighborhoods (i.e., chair yoga for seniors, yoga in the park, and group retreats).


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