Letter from the President

Date Published

June 24, 2024

Home / Blog / Letter from the President

Published by Jul Medenblik


Dear Friends of Calvin Theological Seminary,

Thank you for your appreciation for the last issue of the Forum, which focused on the question, “What does it mean to be Reformed?”

The focus on Reformed identity was one where people heard familiar answers to that vital question and were allowed to expand their understanding of how “Reformed” is a big word and that many accents need to be heard and recognized.

The current issue of the Forum continues our previous discussion. It delves deeper into new programs and initiatives that aim to bridge Reformed identity and understanding for ministry in the 21st century.

If the last Forum can be read through the lens of “What does it mean to be Reformed?,” this issue extends that lens to ask how we reference our Reformed Identity while navigating the road ahead of us in the 21st century.

What insights can we share with you from fields ranging from mental health counseling to Latino/a ministry? How do we prepare preachers and other church leaders? What does a key strand of our Reformed tradition—Missional Neo-Calvinism—have to say to address the turbulent context of ministry today?

As always, I appreciate the authors who have taken the time to write an overview of their work and ministry. I encourage you to read the articles with an eye to understanding that these threads weave together a tapestry of how Calvin Theological Seminary seeks to be faithful to her calling in this world that God still loves. May you be encouraged that God is clearly working through this time as we seek to bring Him glory and serve His Church!

In His Service with You,

Jul Medenblik


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