Danjuma Gibson

Bringing the Trouble to Church: The Call to Christ-Centered Mental Health Support

Turn on the news, open social media, or talk to a friend long enough, and mental health is likely to come up. In 2024, we are experiencing a greater awareness…

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Responding to a Critical Need: Calvin Seminary Launches MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Master’s degree will help meet national and global needs Across the United States, there is a need for licensed mental health counselors at the national, state, and local levels. The…

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Christian Triumphalism: The Antithesis to Trauma Recovery

Occasionally, I will suggest to my students that Scripture puts forth two provocative questions that each of us are forced to struggle with at various points in our lives. The…

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Trauma: Suffering in Silence

A Reflection on Trauma and the Church Community There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.…

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