Faculty News: Sarah Schreiber Connects with Alumni through Listening Tour
Published by Calvin Seminary
In April 2019, professor Sarah Schreiber hosted a conversation with alumni, as part of a listening tour funded through the Center for Excellence in Preaching. During her visit to Houston, Schreiber (second from the right) along with her husband Ryan (second from the left), connected with John Eigege (far left) community chaplain Square Inch Houston, Andy Sytsma, pastor at New Life Christian Reformed Church (third from the left), Greg Brady, Hope CRC (third from right), and Danny Skelton (entering Doctor of Ministry Student), workplace chaplain and commissioned pastor out of Hope CRC (far right). These listening tour events connect Calvin Seminary faculty with alumni and other ministry leaders throughout North America. In 2019 and 2020, Schreiber has hosted listening tours in Houston and in Racine, Wisconsin.
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