Faculty News: Young Ahn Kang

Date Published

January 1, 2019

Home / Blog / Faculty News: Young Ahn Kang

Published by Calvin Seminary

Professor Young Ahn Kang’s new book is titled Philosophy of Everyday Life. Published in Korean and released in October, Kang describes his book: “My most recent book, Philosophy of Everyday Life, is on eating and drinking, dwelling and sleeping, working and resting, and our living with other persons. This book is based on my lectures I gave in May and June 2017, just before coming to Calvin Seminary, to the audience of more than 500 persons in Seoul, South Korea. Those lectures [were] organized as part of a series of the Distinguished Scholars Humanities Lectures organized by Korean Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation of Korea.

In this book I tried to look at our everyday life carefully; look at it from every side, and try to disclose what happens, for instance, when we eat and drink. My way of looking at such mundane and pedestrian things in our life is always accompanied with one question after another. By looking, asking questions, and trying to understand what all these things mean I look to point out everything is given to us as a gift and we are obliged to make use of it for God and for our neighbors’ sake in gratitude and responsibility.”


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