Month: May 2016
Faculty Publications_Summer 2016
Scott Hoezee, director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Seminary, has played a key role in offering another invaluable resource for preachers through serving as the editor…
Earning a College Degree Behind Bars
Armondo grew up in a violent home. Most of his family was hooked on drugs or alcohol or both. Being in that environment, he said, took its toll and played…
Pardon Our Dust: Facing Your Future is under construction
For seventeen years, Calvin Seminary has offered Facing Your Future (FYF) to high school seniors and recent graduates in order to help them discover their gifts and callings. This program,…
Welcoming Youth to Deep Spaces
When I hear the word “hospitality,” what immediately comes to mind is a picture: a room lit by the warm glow of candles, a beautifully set Thanksgiving dinner table, place…
How We Teach Forms People for Ministry
We at Calvin Theological Seminary are a learning community that forms people for faithful Christian ministry. When we use the language of formation, we realize that not only what we…
Become What You Are: God’s New Reconciled Humanity
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier,the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with…
2016 Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients
The Calvin Theological Seminary Board of Trustees this year named two recipients for the 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award. The award is given annually to recipients who have brought unusual credit…
Welcome Back, Ann Plantinga Kapteyn
Twenty-three years after graduating from Calvin Seminary with an MTS and eighteen years after leaving Grand Rapids to serve overseas with Wycliffe Bible Translators, I find myself back at Calvin…
Farewell to Darwin Glassford
The majesty of the mountains enthrall Darwin Glassford, who dedicates time each year to hiking a portion of the Appalachian Trail with one of his two daughters, and summiting a…