Systems and Technologies Survey
Systems and Technologies Survey
What is your position?
Both Staff/Faculty
Answer the questions below in regards to Populi. If you do not work in the system, please put N/A.
What current tasks/functions does Populi accomplish well for you?
What current tasks/functions are very difficult to complete?
What additional tasks do you wish this system did for you, but currently is not an option?
Answer the questions below in regards to Canvas. If you do not work in the system, please put N/A.
What current tasks/functions does Canvas accomplish well for you?
What current tasks/functions are very difficult to complete?
What additional tasks do you wish this system did for you, but currently is not an option?
Echo360 (Course Capture System)
Answer the questions below in regards to Echo360. If you do not work in the system, please put N/A.
What current tasks/functions does Echo360 accomplish well for you?
What current tasks/functions are very difficult to complete?
What additional tasks do you wish this system did for you, but currently is not an option?
Answer the questions below in regards to Salesforce. If you do not work in the system, please put N/A.
What current tasks/functions does Salesforce accomplish well for you?
What current tasks/functions are very difficult to complete?
What additional tasks do you wish this system did for you, but currently is not an option?
Answer the questions below in regards to Abila. If you do not work in the system, please put N/A.
What current tasks/functions does Abila accomplish well for you?
What current tasks/functions are very difficult to complete?
What additional tasks do you wish this system did for you, but currently is not an option?
Answer the questions below in regards to Paycor. If you do not work in the system, please put N/A.
What current tasks/functions does Paycor accomplish well for you?
What current tasks/functions are very difficult to complete?
What additional tasks do you wish this system did for you, but currently is not an option?
Additional Questions
What other software systems are you using for work in your department/area? (i.e. task managers, video creation, etc)
Are you familiar with any other systems that might be a better fit for the needs of Calvin Seminary, and how could it improve our current processes?
Do you have any other comments or suggestions related to systems?
Do you have any comments or feedback related the technology provided in classrooms and conference rooms?
Do you have any comments or feedback related to technology provided for your office workspace?
Populi - Students
Answer the questions below in regards to Populi. If you do not have an answer, please put N/A.
Do you experience any difficulties using the system when enrolling in or dropping courses? What would make the process smoother?
Do you experience any difficulties using the system to monitor your academic progress (courses, grades, schedule, etc)?
Do you experience any difficulties locating forms, handbooks, policies, course catalogs and other resources?
Do you experience any difficulties making payments or browsing your financial history?
Is there anything that you wish this system would do for you that is not presently available?
Canvas - Students
Answer the questions below in regards to Canvas. If you do not have an answer, please put N/A.
Do you experience any difficulties accessing your class information (assignments, grades, deadlines, resources, syllabi, etc)?
Do you experience any difficulties submitting assignments (documents, videos, discussions, etc)?
Do you experience any difficulties communicating with professors or fellow students through this system?
Do you utilize the course capturing system, and if yes, do you experience any difficulties accessing past captures?
If you have worked as a TA, were there any challenges using the system in that role?
Ultratime - Students
Answer the questions below in regards to Ultratime (the software to track hours). If you do not have an answer, please put N/A.
Do you experience any difficulties clocking in and out for your shifts?
Do you wish that you had other information available to you within this app?
Additional Questions - Students
If you have joined any classes remotely, please provide feedback on that method of learning and interacting. What could be done to improve this experience?
Do you have any other comments or suggestions related to the systems that you use as a student here at Calvin Seminary?
Have you used any systems at previous institutions that enhanced your experience as a student?
Do you feel that you have received adequate support from the IT Department/Helpdesk?
If you are human, leave this field blank.
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