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Jennifer Settergren

Jennifer Settergren

Director of Financial Aid and Alumni Engagement


Bachelor of Arts in Business and Communications, Calvin University

Michigan Student Financial Aid Association Member


Jen started at the seminary in 1996 as the receptionist and has taken on many roles since then. As the Director of Financial Aid, she strives to ensure that attending seminary is not a financial burden for students. “I feel called to the work I do at the seminary. Helping students get through school with minimal debt allows them to follow God’s call across the globe. Finances should never be the reason that someone does not come to Calvin Seminary.”

When the seminary decided to connect with alumni in a more consistent way, Jen was a natural fit. Having worked with students for over 27 years, she knows many of the alumni she meets with. “Alumni events are like mini family reunions. Seeing people I haven’t seen for many years brings back memories for both of us. This kind of personal connection is what keeps me in the job.”

When she is not working, Jen enjoys travel, painting, sewing, reading, and listening to Harry Styles.